Saturday, December 16, 2006

Royal Marines Workouts

First Review: The Game of Fear III

Very good dear readers! I'll open the blog with my first comment, after a waiting period in which I guess were all going every 5 minutes to wait for my long awaited comment (cri. cri ... cri ... ..) I went
see The Game of fear III. Say that without too many expectations, but as I and II I thought were very good, you could forgive an embarrassing third party (as happened with a final destination, the embarrassment that was the 3 is forgivable, because the first two were very good).
To make it a good movie should have certain things, like new things, not repeated or the I or II, union with the previous films (ie., Other than a totally independent of the above without follow a common thread), and not excessively long stretch film certain scenes of curiosity.
When starting the movie, there is nothing of that. Moreover, in a time comes to think he could be a total crap, because everything starts with an investigation tracks where the police removed the games, and a flashback shows you the character struggling to survive (more common with I and II). At the start so, one might think that being a third part, the writers have run out of ideas and advance always the same (could well happen, because that to "joligud" gives silver), but luckily did not.
As the film progresses, it generates a new story, completely different from the others, but a union with the two previous films. This story unfolds as two parallel events, each with an impressive level of tension, where you realize that the idea of \u200b\u200bthese stories is the same (Jigsaw makes people play the games should learn from them), but making one do not think "that plunger again the same," because it leaves many loose ends to follow a film with anticipation.
Another thing to note is the camera movements and sound, things that stand out in a film of this style. These hops that makes you hit every time, where music is going slowly and suddenly (chan!), hehe. Well, it is assumed that you should have any horror movie, but I've seen caaa thing that even that is!
The icing on the cake is the unexpected ending. So maybe I'm half moron, because my old (person with whom I went to see the movie) said that if realized. I do not, and I confess I never get to analyze the possible end of what I'm looking at, particularly in this type of immersive movies, where my goal is to keep the film and not get to make assumptions about how you might end up. Maybe some people that if they are to make these assumptions say that the end is a boludez and I am another idiot for not having noticed. For me is very well thought out, yet is conceived from the beginning, which makes it not a story that went along as the script is a final thought, but it backwards, we had a final thought and then thought how could connect the dots to get to that.
Hope you enjoyed it, and leave you with a final recommendation. If going to see, like a person of the opposite sex and do not know how to address it, invite them!. In the event that you are a woman, desperate scream in fear parts, so embrace your partner and start all apretujeo. In the case of man, embrace it idiot! Security at some point he will jump. If you're a person with another type of sexual preference, ta not, here I am complicated ... haha.
Uhhh, I thought of one thing, and if eligible films such as notes of high school? Because it is very boring and repetitive qualify with stars from 0 to 5. So you agree? Ponele SAW III would have a 8.5.
Embrace, my dear 6!

PS: as I'm good, here I put a 2X1 to go to that person's sex opposite both up and can not try .... And ta, do not paint the explanation of whether they have other sexual preferences ... hahaha did you get here


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