The times have I repeated that advertising on the street is the strongest means of persuasion that exists. The strength of the guerrilla advertising startup based on a smile and a surprise, admittedly, just pay attention to the flyers that we spread down the street, avoid TV ads at all costs, and anything that looks like an ad instantly translate it as "spending more money does not please." We must find other ways to get to Rome ...
Well, these small masterpieces of sculpture and intelligence give a little spark to the cities, besides making us a good time and make something anecdotal, and the advertising of Lost or the trunk holder who makes tree, brilliant and impressive.
is a pity that so few companies want to invest in this type of advertising, but hey, we must continue to bear the "highly original" Mediamarkt campaigns wherever I go.
Within days I will upload more images of guerilla advertising, stay tuned!
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